


27-29℃ 多雲午後短暫雷陣雨







壹、 本作業程序依據「臺中振興經濟—消費金喜送」(以下簡稱振興計畫),由臺中市政府經濟發展局(以下簡稱機關)獎勵民眾參與振興計畫符合中獎資格民眾之獎金申請及發放等事宜訂定作業程序。
The Procedures is stipulated in accordance with “Taichung Economic Revitalization – Happy Consumption Voucher Project” (hereinafter referred to as the Revitalization Plan). It is established by the Economic Development Bureau, Taichung City Government (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) to encourage people to participate in the Revitalization Plan and to provide procedures of prize application and distribution for people who meet winning requirements.

貳、 「臺中振興經濟—消費金喜送」抽獎相關活動期間、活動說明、抽獎方式、獎金金額、注意事項等活動辦法依「『2023臺中購物節』—活動說明及消費登錄抽獎機制及『臺中振興經濟—消費金喜送計畫』獎金請領作業程序」(以下簡稱抽獎機制)辦理。
The regulations for the period of the event, event instruction, methods of raffle, prize amount, and precautions related to “Taichung Economic Revitalization – Happy Consumption Voucher Project” shall be handled according to the “instruction and consumption registration drawing mechanism of 2023 Taichung Shopping Festival and prize claim procedures for Taichung Economic Revitalization- Happy Consumption Voucher Project” (hereinafter referred to as the raffling mechanism).

Procedures for prize application and collection

Methods of notifying prize winning and prize collection

(一) 如中獎,中獎人將透過臺中購物節活動APP推播或電話簡訊得知中獎訊息。
In case of winning the prize, prize winners will be informed through the Taichung Shopping Festival Event APP push notification and through text.

(二) 獎金請領係以線上申請與匯款至中獎人本人帳戶為原則;中獎人點擊發票記錄之抽獎券,再點選中獎序號進入兌獎頁面,頁面中提供注意事項供中獎人參考;如遇系統註冊姓名與獎項請領人不相符時,以下情形得由中獎人提供相關切結文件請兌獎小組協助更正姓名(範例:王曉明):
The prize can be claimed by online application and remittance to the winner’s account; winners may click the raffle ticket on the invoice, and then click the winning serial number to enter the prize redemption page, which provides notes as the reference for winners. In case that the name registered in the system does not match that of the prize recipient, the winner shall provide relevant affidavits and ask the Prize Redemption Group to help correct the name (e.g.: Wang, Hsiao-Ming).

  • 少字/多字(包含符號) 範例:王明/王曉小明/王曉明?
    Few/many characters (including symbols) e.g.: Wang, Ming/Wang Hsiao, Hsiao-Ming/Wang, Hsiao-Ming ?
  • 類音不同字 範例:王蕭明/王姣明/王小明/王笑明
    Different words with similar pronunciation, e.g.: Wang, Hsiao-Ming (王蕭明)/ Wang, Chiao-Ming (王姣明)/ Wang, Hsiao-Ming (王小明)/ Wang, Hsiao-Ming (王笑明)
  • 同偏旁不同字 範例:王?明/王暇明
    Different characters with the same radical, e.g.: Wang, Yao-Ming/Wang, Hsia-Ming
  • 全部不相符則認定中獎人為該帳號註冊手機門號持有人。
    If none of the above applies, the winner will be identified as the registered mobile phone number holder of the account.

(三) 依前揭抽獎機制規定,中獎者需於公告日後2週內辦理兌獎事宜,逾期未辦理者,機關得取消中獎資格。
According to the foresaid mechanism for raffle, winners are required to redeem the prize within 2 week after the announcement date. Winners failing to do so within the prescribed time limit may be disqualified by the organizer.

(四) 若資料有誤或缺件者,則由APP推播通知補件,中獎人需於接獲通知隔日起5天內辦理補件事宜,逾期未辦理者,機關得取消中獎資格。
If the information is wrong or missing, the app will send a push notification for supplementing the necessary documents. The prize winners are required to supplement the information required within 5 days from the next day of being notified. Winners failing to do so within the prescribed time limit may be disqualified by the organizer.

(五) 中獎人如因帳戶問題致匯款失敗者,將以電話或簡訊通知中獎者補件,中獎人應於接獲通知隔日起7日內辦理補件事宜,逾期未辦理者,機關得取消中獎資格。
If the remittance fails due to the account issues of the winners, the organizer will inform the winners to supplement the necessary documents via phone or text. The winners shall supplement the information within 7 days from the next day of being notified. Winners failing to do so within the prescribed time limit may be disqualified by the organizer.

(六) 資料由委辦廠商進行審核及機關抽查無誤後,彙整提送核銷文件至機關辦理核銷程序,再由銀行依序匯款至民眾帳戶。
After being verified by the authorized company and spot-checked by the organizer, the documents shall be collected and sent to the organizer for write-off before the bank remits the prize amount to the winner’s account in order.

In principle, the prize shall be remitted to the prize winner’s own account. The files required to be uploaded are as follows:

(一) 登打本人出生年月日。
Enter the winner’s date of birth.

(二) 登打本人身分證字號或居留證統一編號。
Enter the winner’s ID number or uniform number of residence permit.

(三) 登打本人戶籍地址、通訊地址及電話。
Enter the winner’s domicile address, correspondence address and telephone number.

(四) 上傳身分證正、反面或居留證正面(護照)影本(若中獎人未滿14歲則上傳健保卡正面)。
Upload a photocopy of the front and back of the ID card or the front of the residence permit (passport) (or the front of the NHI card if the winner is under 14 years old).

(五) 選擇本人收款銀行、分行名稱及登打存摺帳號。
Select the name of the bank, branch and the passbook account number of the winner.

(六) 上傳本人存摺封面影本
Upload a photocopy of the winner’s passbook cover.

(七) 上傳其他附件:
Upload other documents:

  • 外國人:出入境證明。
    Foreigner: entry and exit certificate.
  • 市民專屬獎:含個人部分戶籍謄本。
    Exclusive Award for Taichung citizens: including part of the individual’s household registration transcript.
  • 未滿14歲中獎人:戶口名簿或含個人部分戶籍謄本。
    Winners under 14 years old: household certificate or his/her household registration transcript.

(八) 上傳發票、收據影本,但如發票業經財政部驗證(如雲端發票、電子發票)則以APP上登錄資料為準,得免提供「中獎發票正本或影本」,如電子發票係以傳統手動登錄,則需提供發票正本或影本。
Upload the photocopy of the invoice and receipt. However, for the invoice verified by the Ministry of Finance (such as cloud invoice, e-invoice), the information registered on the APP shall prevail and the winner may be exempted from providing “the original or photocopy of the winning uniform invoice”. The original or photocopy of the invoice is required if the e-invoice is manually registered.

The remittance service charges shall be reimbursed by the organizer. Lottery income tax shall be paid by the winner in accordance with the tax laws of the Republic of China. Please refer to the mechanism for raffle prescribed in the preceding paragraph for details.

Any matter and supplement not covered herein will be released by the Taichung City Economic Development Bureau on the official website of Taichung Shopping Festival, FB fan page or Event APP.

For any relevant questions, please contact:

Organizer: Taichung City Economic Development Bureau

Implementer: TVBS Media Inc.

Service Unit: Prize Redemption Group, Taichung Shopping Festival
Contact No.: 04-2380-0592
